Posts tagged down syndrome
Growing Up with a Sibling with a Disability - Part Two

Last month, you heard from Lindsay Shabet, as she shared about growing up with her brother, Jake, who was born with Down syndrome. If you didn’t get a chance to read Part One of this series with Lindsay, you can find it here! Today, I will be sharing Part Two of this series with Julia Toronczak, who grew up with a twin brother, named Michael, who was born with Down syndrome.

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Growing Up with a Sibling with a Disability

In continuing with our celebration of Down syndrome Awareness Month this October, today’s blog post is all about growing up with a sibling with a disability. I spoke with Lindsay Shabet, the older sister of Jake, who was born with Down syndrome. Keep reading to see her wisdom, insight, and passion for differences.

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What Causes Down Syndrome?

Perhaps you’ve heard of “Down syndrome” but you aren’t quite sure what causes Down syndrome. Down syndrome is the most common chromosomal condition, affecting 1 out of every 700 births, which means that in the United States, alone, over 6,000 babies with Down syndrome are born each year. Down syndrome, also called Trisomy 21, is caused by an extra copy on the 21st chromosome...

Down syndrome is the most common chromosomal condition, affecting 1 out of every 700 births, which means that in the United States, alone, over 6,000 babies with Down syndrome are born each year. I am going to tackle some common misconceptions in an effort to spread awareness and educate as we celebrate #DownSyndromeAwarenessMonth this October.

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Know Better, Do Better : End the R-Word

If you wanna hear me get fired up real fast, bring up this topic.

I recently saw an article that was entitled, “10 Reasons Why You Should Stop Using the R Word” and I was so confused...why do we need a reason, let alone ten, to stop using the R-word? 

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