You Are Enough

Hey Mama,

Just wanted to check in on you. In a social media world full of bloggers and photographers with seemingly perfect lives, real motherhood can seem lonely. I want you to know that you are enough. You are good enough. You are smart enough. You are pretty enough. You are strong enough. 




Your sweet little babe looks up to you in a million ways and there isn’t a better, more qualified mama than you. Take some time for yourself today. You deserve it. In fact, you deserve to take time for yourself every day. Yep, you heard me, every. single. day. It doesn’t have to be a lot, but it does have to be something

In a world that tells you self-care is a spa day with manicures and mimosas, let me reassure you…the world is lying. 

Self-care looks different to all of us. For some, it’s a cup of tea. For others, a good book. For some, it’s alone time. For others, a phone call with a friend. Find what feeds your soul. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that one size fits all. We don’t believe that about our bodies, so why believe it about our minds? Start today. Do one thing for yourself. Not for your significant other, not for your children, for you. 

A wise lady once told me that most mothers spend their time emptying their tanks. Pouring a little bit of themselves into their husbands, a little bit into their friends, and a whole lot into their children. And, by the time they’re done pouring, there’s very little left in the tank. Let’s change that. Let’s be so full of love and life our tanks are OVERFLOWING into our families and friends. Let’s take care of ourselves so that we can take care of others. 

Taking care of yourself means getting up a few minutes before your babes to have some quiet time. Taking care of yourself means getting off social media when you start to compare. Taking care of yourself means realizing that it is OKAY to ask for help. It means using nap time to rest. Not to clean the house, not to schedule appointments. To rest. To be still. To fully accept that your job is the hardest job on earth. To let the truth that you are enough settle into your bones. 

By letting this truth into your heart, I can promise you that you will fill up your tank, and you may just discover that you exactly what you need to overflow into others.