Posts tagged American sign language

Silas wasn’t even 24 hours old when he failed his first hearing test. As a brand new mom trying to juggle hormones, breastfeeding and everything that comes with this, I don’t think the possibility of Silas actually being deaf ever really crossed my mind. Before we left the hospital he had a repeat screening and I figured everything would be fine but instead, my perfect brand new baby boy failed the newborn hearing screening in both ears for a second time. I desperately asked for words of encouragement from every doctor and nurse that had wandered their way into my room, almost begging them to tell me that this was common and seen often, even if it wasn’t.

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Cason was brought back to his father and I, and we were told Cason had ANSD (Auditory Neuropathy Sensory Disorder) and he was profoundly Deaf. In that moment, my world went silent, ironically just like my child's. I didn't hear anything being said, I didn't know what they were telling me, all I could think to ask was, "Will he ever be able to hear?” and, “Is he going to be okay?" I know now that it was just the shock. I have a perfectly growing, intelligent boy just like the day he was born.

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