Macy Gilson

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Photo property of Colleen Tidd

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Looking back at the day we went in for Joseph's ultrasound, I remember how quiet the room was and how the tech said, "The doctor will review and call you if needed." It felt odd, but in the moment we were excited to share the news that we were having a baby boy! A day later we found out about our right hand man. We shared the shocking news with close family and friends immediately but it took us a month to share with others. We did it by posting this picture and telling this story.

Photo property of Colleen Tidd

These leaves mean the world to me, and here is why: My youngest daughters and I play outside every day before getting my eldest daughter from the bus. One day, my youngest handed me a single leaf with SO much excitement - the lead was in the shape of a heart. We both loved it! She started finding more leaves shortly after I found out I was pregnant with our baby boy. From that moment on, we have been finding heart-shaped leaves everywhere. I secretly collect every one we find. It doesn’t matter the size, shape, or color, I collect them all. That brings me to the center leave. Some people would look at it and think it is broken. They would see how it is worn in some places, almost like it missing a part of itself. But do you know what I see? I see the most beautiful little leaf. Yes, it looks to have been through a lot, but it is holding itself together, gracefully. Fully intact. Perfect.

You see, there’s more to this little leaf than meets the eye. I found it as I was on my way to see a fetal care specialist for my son., I got a call early that day from my regular OBGYN, which we all know is never a good sign. It was the day after my husband and I officially found out the gender of our baby. I had a gut feeling something was off, why would the doctor be calling me? She urged me to see the specialist as soon as possible. She said she noticed something was not right with his ultrasound. I finished up my work, went home, changed, and left to see the specialist. I had just looked the house door when I turned around and saw this lead. It was beautiful. I picked it up and stared at it. This “broken” leaf brought me instant comfort. All morning, I was overwhelmed not knowing what was going on with my baby…but as soon and I held that leaf, I was okay. I knew he would be okay. I was at peace. I was ready to head the news.

“Your baby boy has no left hand.”

I must have repeated that sentence in my head over and over again. No left hand? How does this happen? When did this happen? Why did this happen How is his health? The questions just kept coming.

All I know is our baby looks to be one healthy boy who will rock this world. Whatever the cause, and whatever the future may hold for us, we will do it together, as a loving family. All while I continue to secretly collect our heart-shaped leaves.

Photo property of Colleen Tidd

Photo property of Colleen Tidd

Photo property of Colleen Tidd

To learn more about Joseph and follow the Tidd family’s journey, follow @tiddbit_outta_hand on Instagram!

Photo property of Colleen Tidd