Posts tagged advocate

Looking back at the day we went in for Joseph's ultrasound, I remember how quiet the room was and how the tech said, "The doctor will review and call you if needed." It felt odd, but in the moment we were excited to share the news that we were having a baby boy! A day later we found out about our right hand man. We shared the shocking news with close family and friends immediately but it took us a month to share with others. We did it by posting this picture and telling this story…

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After a very normal pregnancy, and semi-normal birth on February 22, 2016, Leo made his way into the world. After the first couple of days my husband and I started to worry that something wasn't quite right. Leo was unable to keep his temperature up and had an odd jerking movement that we noticed. The doctors all brushed us off and insisted nothing was wrong, we were just paranoid new parents. So we took him home and tried to ignore our guts. After just a few days home we couldn't take it anymore. We knew in our hearts something just wasn't right. We took him straight to the children's hospital that was an hour away and hoped they would listen. And thankfully, they did.

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I remember when the doctor so non-chalantly said, "Your baby has Spina Bifida." I promise you, I looked at my husband, with a shoulder shrug, like, “Oh, okay,” and then turned to the doctor and asked, "Well, what's that mean?" I'm not sure what we thought it meant, but we were not ready for the diagnosis we were given. He explained to us what spina bifida was, and that it would need to be surgically repaired. Instantly the tears poured out. How could this be happening again? 

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