Posts tagged CHD awareness
Edison and Lilith

Hi!  My name is Jennifer and I am mom to two amazing kiddos-twins, Lilith and Edison.  My husband, Adam, and I have been married for 6 years.  We tried for several years to get pregnant, struggling with infertility and other health complications.  So when the day came that we were told we were pregnant—miraculously, with not just one baby, but TWO—we were elated!  We chose not to find out their genders until they were born.

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I spent weeks mourning the loss of the life we planned. A life where my child could run and hike and surf and grow to be anything he wanted. A life where I would bring my child home from the hospital. Where each minor cold would not cause panic and anxiety. I wondered in those weeks if my child would have the opportunity to feel my arms, to rest his broken heart against mine. I wondered if the only life he would ever know would be cold and painful and ruled by hospital policy. I wondered if choosing a course for him that would guarantee pain and complication was selfish. Was I choosing a life he would not have chosen for himself?

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