Posts tagged congenital heart defect

Learn more about Navy, an amazing warrior with Down syndrome. Down syndrome | #nothingdownaboutit | #upsyndrome | the lucky few | Down syndrome awareness | trisomy 21 | #morealikethandifferent | disability advocate | special needs | special needs family | special needs parenting | inclusion | inclusion matters

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Learn more about Cal, an amazing warrior with Down syndrome. Down syndrome | #nothingdownaboutit | #upsyndrome | the lucky few | Down syndrome awareness | trisomy 21 | #morealikethandifferent | disability advocate | special needs | special needs family | special needs parenting | inclusion | inclusion matters

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Learn more about Exton, an amazing warrior with Down syndrome. Down syndrome | #nothingdownaboutit | #upsyndrome | the lucky few | Down syndrome awareness | trisomy 21 | #morealikethandifferent | disability advocate | special needs | special needs family | special needs parenting | inclusion | inclusion matters

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I spent weeks mourning the loss of the life we planned. A life where my child could run and hike and surf and grow to be anything he wanted. A life where I would bring my child home from the hospital. Where each minor cold would not cause panic and anxiety. I wondered in those weeks if my child would have the opportunity to feel my arms, to rest his broken heart against mine. I wondered if the only life he would ever know would be cold and painful and ruled by hospital policy. I wondered if choosing a course for him that would guarantee pain and complication was selfish. Was I choosing a life he would not have chosen for himself?

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